Thursday, August 20, 2009

Vows with a View: We are Married!

Sorry for my posting absence but we were off getting married!!!! Our wedding day was perfect to me, in my mind, although we did have a lot of drama unfold which you are going to have to wait to hear about.

I have so much to share with all of you, however, it will be a little while before I am up and running again. As some of you may remember, the Man threw a temper tantrum and broke the LCD screen on our laptop a week before the wedding (I can't even beging to tell you how annoying that was) and the estimate came back while we were away in Jamaica. In case you are wondering, if you ever break your LCD screen on your computer you midas well just go buy a new one because it is cheaper than having the screen replaced.

The man and I will be out computer shopping hopefully sometime soon and i'll be able to share with you some amazing pictures that I have on CD that my lil sister's boyfriend took of our day. Until then, I leave you with this one I stole off friend A's facebook photo album:

If you look closely, you can see the Gazebo we got married in through the window on the left. You can also see the flower balls I made hanging (they were a BIG hit).

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Signing Off

I was planning on sharing some things (quite a few actually) with you all before the wedding (which is in 4 days) but The Man threw a rather uncalled for temper tantrum the other day(which had nothing to do with me or the wedding, but rather the computer not doing what he wanted it to do and instead of walking away like I told him he needed to do, he slammed it shut) and just happened to break our LCD screen, so there is no way for me to do anything per our computer and after today I'll be on vacation from work, so I won't get to post things until after the honeymoon.

With the wedding in 4 days and no computer to use, it has been rather stressful for me who still had some things to do via computer. Thank god I finished all the big things[like our programs] last Friday! As for the other little things I had wanted to do, they may not get done, but the fact that they won't get completed will not ruin my day.

I can't wait to marry my little temper-tantrum throwing man on Saturday and it actually looks like it's going to be a very nice day!

see you when I'm a Mrs.