The man and I had been dating awhile. He often spoke of the future, "our future" and plans for us. We shared our hopes and dreams and goals with each other. And The man bought a house 2 years ago in the area I lived in... for "our future." As often as he used the term "our future" he never mentioned wanting to marry me... he eluded to it, but never came out and said it.
It happened on my birthday. The man shocked me and surprised me with an amazing proposal.
I should preface this with the fact that The man CAN be romantic when he wants to be, but is not often.
It was my birthday (July 4th) and he had suggested we take his boat(yes, his boat) up to Lake George and watch the fireworks over the lake this year. I thought that sounded like a lot of fun. So he planned a whole little night for us, after all, it was my birthday.
We stopped at my parents for lunch and birthday cake and then headed to the lake for the afternoon. The man wouldn't give me my present- which is so not like him who always wants to give it the day before, but I just thought it must be something for the boat and he's waiting 'till we get out there. He also likes to torture me so I thought he was enjoying making me wait all day for my birthday present.
We got out on the lake late and it was crazy busy with boats. We found a spot and hung out there for a few hours and then The man took me to dinner at a restaurant on the Lake. I still wasn't aware of what awaited. I thought he was just taking me to a nice birthday dinner. We went to this restaurant on the lake which had beautiful picture windows and a great view over the lake.
He made reservations for 5pm and since it was early, we had the whole place to ourselves for most of dinner, which was totally awesome.
After dinner we went back out on the boat and lake. The man was trying to find a little cove to hunker down in until the fireworks began. Once we found a spot, he asked me if I wanted my present and of course, I did. I had seen in in the cuddy cabin when I was changing for dinner--- a weird sized box, somewhat smaller than a shoebox, unwrapped, tied up with electrical tape, and really heavy. I was hoping THAT wasn't my present. After all, don't I deserve wrapping paper? seriously.
He pulls out the box wrapped in electrical tape and plops in it my lap and says, "happy birthday. Guess what it is." Everyone who knows me, knows I like to guess my gifts, and I'm usually right and it makes them mad. I shook it and having no clue what it was, guessed that it was a box of rocks because that is what it felt like when I shook it.
I couldn't open it due to the insane amounts of electrical tape on it. and he asked me if I needed help. I stood up and handed it to him and told him yes. He plopped it on the ground, kneeled down to open it and sliced it open with his knife. I looked in the box and sure enough it was just rocks! What a mean thing to do!
What I didn't see was when he opened it he took the little jewelry box out and had it in his hand. I looked over at him, and there he was: on one knee, with a small jewelery box in his hand, a huge smile on his face, looking up at me. Then he opened the box asked me to marry him.
I said yes.
It was perfect. He had originally wanted to wait 'till the fireworks went off, but then thought it would be too dark for me to see the ring.
I love my proposal. Did your fiance plan something special in order to ask you for your hand in marriage?