The man wanted to wait a little while. He was having a hard time deciding exactly who he wanted/how many groomsmen he wanted. So I waited... and waited and waited for what felt like forever but in reality was only a few weeks! BUT then I couldn't wait anymore. I needed to ask my girls, and since I knew I wasn't going to change my mind, I began asking away.
The man and I decided we had a lot of friends and family who we wanted to stand by our side and it was so hard to cut that down... so we didn't!
The Girls:
My Matron of Honor is my best friend from College.
My little sis, we will call her "mini-me"... is one of my bridesmaids as well. She was super excited when I asked her because she didn't think I would (like I wouldn't ask my sister--puuuuuuuuulease). Mini-me and I have become closer as of recent, but we were never super close. I know some of you are thinking that you can't believe I didn't have her be my Maid of Honor, but I knew I wanted Cooper to be the Matron of Honor. Mini-me is 10 years younger than me, which is why we aren't super close. We are from different generations and when she was old enough to grow close to me, I was in college so that is why we are lacking. BUT we ARE getting closer. I know she is a perfectionist and strives to be perfect. She was entering her first year of college this year and I didn't want to add any more stress to her already full plate... so I asked her to be one of the Maids and she couldn't have been happier. She didn't want to be Maid of Honor anyway, so I made the right choice.
One of my other Maids, "Partner in Crime," was also an easy decision. We have been friends for about 20 years now. Yep, 20 years. I call her Partner in crime because in high school we were always getting into these weird situations and she was always there with me through everything, my partner in crime. Partner in crime has Mad phtoshop skillz, yo.
"Flirty" is another college friend who I am very close with.
"College" + "Hot Mama" are the last 2 maids and they are The Man's sisters.
(Hot Mama is the one on the right)
Hot Mama is a few years older than the Man and she is super fabulous and College is The Man's younger sister (10 years younger to be exact) and she is Fab. also. She is also exactly like mini-me which is SOOOOOOOO funny. I couldn't imagine my wedding without my new sisters being in it! I love them both so much and they are such great girls and I am so lucky to get along so well with them. They were BOTH so surprised and super excited when I asked them to be in the wedding.
So there you have it... my 6 girls and I wouldn't change them for anything and I won't be changing my mind. The man also picked 6 boys-- so there you have it--we have quite the party!
How did you go about picking your bridal party?