Sunday, June 13, 2010

Shop till you drop

After the Man spent a whole day in bed, I was ready to get out there and explore a little of Jamaica. We had set up a shopping trip through Sandals. They drove us to the site and stayed there while we shopped around inside. It was a little strange having someone wait for us to shop, but since we were the only ones signed up for that time slot, it wasn't too awkward.

The driver brought us to the little strip mall that I suppose was built for tourists. All sorts of Jamaican memorabilia stocked the stores. Most of the stores carried the usual t-shirts, hats and other clothing with Jamaica sprawled across the front. I purchased one shirt that said Jamaica on it, call me predictable but I wanted a physical reminder of our time there. We then searched for some different kinds of gifts for our families.

We found these hand crafted bamboo wind chimes that struck me as beautiful. So we bought several as gifts for our families. They seemed to encompass the true spirit of the Jamaican crafters. We also found a photo album made completely from bamboo leaves and plants which we thought was so extraordinary that we bought it for ourselves.

After we were done with the Americanized "mall" we headed on over to the craft show. The craft show in Jamaica is very different than anything I've ever been to in America. The show was in "true" Jamaica. All sorts of little work huts were set up in the square. Each hut was someone Else's craft "studio" and it had tons of the most amazing hand crafted wood carvings. The artists were in their studio's trying to sell you everything. I was completely overwhelmed. I hate when people come up to me in stores to try to help me or sell me things and that was what was happening here. We bought a few things from one of the studio's and then the artist forced to to go to his son's studio next door. I did find this really cool cat figuring he had carved that made me think of MOH and I bargained with him to give it to me for the price I wanted. He didn't want to and I felt guilty for trying to talk him down knowing that he was probably living in a little shack up the road, but we were running out of shopping money and I wanted it. Rather than lose a sale we came to an agreement in the middle. We did not check out any other studio's after that. Everyone wanted to sell you something and I was feeling completely smothered.

Shopping in the craft fair was different than I was used to but it also exposed me to the culture of Jamaica which is what I wanted all along. We left with some great gifts and some amazing hand crafted carved figurines and wall plaques.

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