Friday, December 18, 2009

The thing about rooms

The thing about rooms is that if you aren't happy you have to switch rooms to make it better. We had to switch rooms 4 times. 4 times! The first room smelled of paint, so they moved us upstairs. The second room wasn't a walk out terrace room (which is what we paid for), the third room smelled of paint again (they did recognize their mistake and moved us one more time). After the 4th move, I was FINALLY able to unpack my clothes and hang them up so they didn't wrinkle more than they already were! Besides the whole room smelling like paint and musical rooms debacle, Sandals was fabulous.

After we finally settled into our room we went down to the beach to relax finally. The weather was warm, sunny, and humid. The water was warm like bath water and clear-very clear and very turquoise. So pretty!

Soon after we went in to try the water out we heard bunches of people talking about the jellyfish. Which in turn freaked me out. One of the couples started saying there was one right there- and I got curious. I wanted to see what it looked like so i could avoid them. Well people, they are clear and very hard to see and while I was inspecting the one that everyone was looking at another one happened to brush up upon my leg. It did not feel good at all. I was in pain and wanted out of the water.

The man didn't think I could have gotten stung because he didn't see anything in the water and he was right there and did not get stung, but I did. I had the huge red line on my leg to prove it. The jellyfish sting left a large red welt and once that went down a red line stayed for weeks. The pain eventually went away and I think I got brushed up against and not fully stung, but oh how even that hurt.

Of course, my first time in the Caribbean ocean and I have to go and get stung by a jellyfish!

After the jellyfish incident, I didn't want to go back in the ocean for the rest of the day, so we headed over to one of the pools to relax and ended up doing something we hadn't done in years

We joined some other couples and played a little pool volleyball! That's us on the left. I had so much fun.

Then the man made me get out of the pool and told me he had a surprise for me.... I was intrigued. It had been quite the day already and we headed off to go and shower up and get ready for the surprise.

And here is the rest of it.

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