We had decided we didn't want to do anything for ourselves on the honeymoon and wanted to be pampered for a whole week so we looked into an all inclusive honeymoon spot. After much contemplation and months of indecision, we settled on Sandals in Negril Jamaica.We had narrowed it down to Jamaica but there were several all-inclusive resorts in Jamaica so we headed over to TripAdvisor and looked up all the places. Negril had some fabulous reviews and so it was decided.
I was both excited and nervous. Excited because we were going on our honeymoon, nervous because not only had I never been out of the country before, but I had never flown before. ever.
As it turns out, Flying was a piece of cake. All that worrying for nothing! I didn't care much for taking off or landing, but once we were up in the air, I was completely at ease.
A few hours after we took flight, we landed in sunny, warm, humid Jamaica!
After going through customs, exchanging some American money for Jamaican (which you totally do NOT have to do-hey we didn't know), we were shuffled to a waiting room for Sandals guests where we were offered a beer-

I was not expecting the drive out to Negril to take another 2 hrs, but it did. And it was insane. The way they drive in Jamaica is VERY different from in the States, and outside of Montego Bay (where we flew into) there are not traffic lights. Basically they drive REALLY fast and beep their horns when they come up to an intersection-they don't even look or stop. The Man even said the driving was a bit psychotic.
While I didn't enjoy the way they drive there, I did enjoy the ride out to Negril. It gave us a chance to see the real Jamaica, not the commercialized Jamaica. I knew that it was a poor country, but it was really sad to see some of the places that people lived in. It really makes you appreciate all that you have here. The driver narrated a lot of the trip and told us all about each little village we were in which i loved hearing about.
Finally, the trip was over, and we had arrived in Sandals Negril.
Up next, our introduction to Sandals.
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