These are cute, but they may be a little on the wintery looking side..........

Satin- Check; Fuschia- Check; Bridal-like Check. And as an added bonus, I'm loving the wrap around satin tied bow at the top. Loving.
Enter the Betsy Johnson, Amiga.
They are fun (hence the leopard soles), they are cute, they are summery(strapy sandals), they are girly (pink lace), and they have bling. Oh yeah, and the most important part, they are the same height as my first shoes so there will be no dress length drama thank the lord! And they were half off. I couldn't resit and I bought them.
I.Love.My. New. Shoes. They feel heavenly. BUT...... I don't know if they are wedding-y enough.
I Love how comfortable they are. The straps are slightly bigger than they need to be and seem to fall down and I'm wondering if I need to go down a 1/2 size in these babies. The 1/2 size smaller could potentially fix the problem.
You'll have to excuse the horrible pictures I take and the horribleness that are my unpainted toes right now and the really bad angle. Does anyone realize how hard it is to take a picture of shoes once they are on your foot? .... it's hard.
Old Shoes:
Close up (Caution: scary feet ahead)
Fortune cookies made out of felt. Yep, Cheap-o and easy. I HAD wanted to make real ones but it's hard to do with the Man sitting in the living room watching what i'm doing... and This way, he could have them forever and ever and ever....or until he throws them out.
If you want to create your own Felt Fortune Cookies you will need:
2 sheets of felt in the color of your choice
Floral wire(semi thick)
Craft glue
a spool of thin ribbon
Fabric scissors
a circle template
and Fortunes of course!
Chinese take out box
some candy
First, I grabbed a glass out of the cubbord and a pen. I traced the circular shape with the pen onto my felt. I got about 6-7 out of one sheet of felt. I wanted to use two colors so I kept on tracing. Next, I cut out my circles. I took out two of the floral wires and cut them into 6ths(really you just need the length to be somewhat smaller than the circumference of the cirle). Cut the ribbon in strips of the same length. Then I glued the floral wire lengthwise to the center of the cirlce. I immediately placed the ribbon on top of the wire and glue. After they dried for a day, I took them in my hand, stuck my pointer finger in the middle of the "cookie" and bent the cookie around my finger (this part creates the fortune cookie shape). I stuck the fortunes in there and packaged them up in my box.
I had also gotten a chinese looking take out box from AC Moore and put some hershy kisses in the bottom and then layered these babies on top.
I also made a card with minimum reading (he hates reading cards) that I think is cute and I am planning on making a nice romatic dinner tomorrow night/and or breakfast (since breakfast is his fave meal and my least favorite, I may suck it up and cook him some good eats in the am too). I am also planning on buying some "fortune cookie" scratch off cards. How perfect is that?
I happen to think this is an adorable idea, and I wouldn't mind getting something like this from the man any day. I hope he likes it too!
Have you thought of a creative way to let your man know how much you love him?
I am liking the half up/down looks too. What's a girl to do?
Well, I'm going to ask you, that's what! Make sure to vote at the top of my blog on which style you think would fit me best!
And I would have beautiful orchid bouquets for the girls that would look like this:
Oh yeah, the reception might look like this:So.................you might think I'm crazy but I have a confession to make..........
I'm not a flower person.
I'm do not know the names of many flowers and I do not want huge flower displays at my wedding, unless they are orchids, which I would happily display all over the place at my wedding. Which leads me to wondering if I can't afford Orchids, then what in the heck am I gonna get?
I met with our Florist, Central Market Florist at Price Chopper in Glens Falls, over the weekend to go over the flowers I would be needing for the wedding.
After dreaming of Orchids everything, I came back to reality because as much as I wanted orchids, I don't live where they are affordable and we are not getting married where they are affordable. *sigh*
So instead of orchids, we discussed a more realistic option for bouquets for my girls. Hand tied bouquets consisting of roses and lillies, lillies being the other flower that I really like and probably one of the only flowers I know the name of. And everyone uses roses, so why not mix the two together.
I think it'll be very pretty. I'm imaging it looking similar to this:
We discussed my bouquet which is going to be very similar to the girls, but bigger and in different colors and with stephanopolis(sp?) added in.
We also discussed the Boutineers for the men and corsages for the mothers/grandparents. Not being a flower novice, I left there feeling like maybe I made all the wrong decisions.
And then we discusssed the price. Which to be honest, was a lot more than I was expecting it to be!
We kind of discussed centerpieces, but I didn't leave with a feeling that the centerpieces they would make would be exactly what I envisioned. I found this centerpiece which I have been drooling over and couldn't imagine it costing a lot to recreate. It is located here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/glassslippergourmet/2272433272/
Price chopper didn't have the right kind of vases for these centerpieces and were going to charge me $10/per vase to rent a vase I wasn't in love with that I could prob buy for the same price using a 40% off coupon at AC Moore. Currently I'm looking for flared vases like the ones pictured. AND on top of that she pretty much told me they (a) might not be able to get the pink orchid I want, (b) could have a problem submerging it and (c) I would have to get my own pebbles/sand/pink stuff for the bottom of the centerpiece. Oh and they would charge me about $400 to put together (stems included) if I provided the vases I wanted....
Ummmmmmmmm-wait, what? You can't gaurentee the flower I want? AND on top of that, I would have to buy vases for them to use since they didn't have what I wanted, and possibly find a way for them to submerge the flower also. You've got to be kidding me?! Shouldn't a florist be able to guarentee you a specific color or that they could at least DO what you want?
I'm not gonna lie, I left there with a sinking feeling in my gut. Something wasn't right.
I'm having slight anxiety over the flowers. Over flowers! I can't help thinking I'm making the wrong choice.. as in florist wise. Everyone has said Price Chopper is a lot cheaper, but is it really? I put down a deposit, but it wasn't much so I don't think i'll mind if I chose to go with someone else and lose it.... and now I think I wanna look around a little more for a better deal. With the economy the way it is... you would think someone would want to give me a little bang for my buck.
How did you decide on flowers for your ceremony/reception? Did leave feeling confident in your decisions or did you second guess yourself?