Now, I was stuck on these babies for quite some time. And then I just realized they don't have to be perfect, they don't have to be beautiful, they just have to be us. I focused on creating a template in Microsoft word and then before I knew it, they came to me.

I used light Grey Cardstock I bought from paperandmore, and cut it in half horizontally with my paper cutter. On the front cover I put our names, the date, the place and address. Oh and I bought an image from I Stock Photo and I cropped it and put the butterflies you see there on the front as well. It went so nicely with my butterfly theme.
For the inside, I used pink printer paper which I also bought at (LOVE that store) and I cut in half horizontally and printed on the front and back of 1 page, giving me essentially 4 pages. It took a little working around to figure out which thing went where so that it would show up where I wanted it to, but I used some practice paper, so no pink paper was lost.I had to trim this paper on each side by 1/4 inch so that it would sit in the cover and not poke out.
I had four pages inside: The first one gave the ceremony order (which is what I had the most trouble with and I asked MOH Cooper to see hers, she kept it simple so I decided I would do that as well). The next two were the Bridal Party and parent Names. Since we had SO many I decided to break it up as "The women" on one side and "The Men" on the other, I of course labeled the moms and dads as mother of the bride, mother of the groom, ect.

Once you flip the the next page, you would see the Remembrance of loved ones past. I just wrote a short blurb about having our grandparents that had passed there in spirit although not in body and how they were important to us. I just wrote from the heart.
On the inside grey cover (the last page) I wrote a Thank you to our parents. It was beautiful. I ment every word of it, although, I'll be honest, I found the wording online, on someone elses page, but they seriously took the words right out of my mouth. It went a little something like this:
Your love and support goes beyond any we have ever seen, and more than we could have ever asked for. Who we have become, what we believe, and our ability to look towards a wonderful future together as husband and wife come from all that you have instilled in us. You have given us extraordinary examples of how to live, love, laugh, forgive, forget, and persevere. Throughout our lives, you have given us all that you could, and then, amazingly, more. Thank you very much for making this day possible. We love you with all our hearts.
On the back page, I posted the other half of the istockphoto image I purchased and a Thank you to our guests over that.

I used a 1/8" puncher I bought on clearance at walmart to poke two holes and string the ribbon through. In all honesty, the 1/8" was Really tiny and I wished it had been bigger. It made it super hard to get the ribbon through, but I did eventually and then I tied a pretty bow.
I made about 50, which was half of the guests, and I even had some left over.
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