Did I mention where our rehearsal dinner was taking place? This is the whole reason why it was so important that we weren't late.....

So despite my wanting to discuss the situation more, I was forced to dry my tears and walk out to the doc and board our rehearsal dinner cruise!
Once we were on board I decided to drown away the emotions of the day with wine. I had a lot of it. The Man's parents had graciously paid for our rehearsal dinner to be on the boat, and by graciously I mean, you had to have a party of at least 50 people, so they invited all the out of town guests, the bridal party and Significant others, along with whomever I wanted to invite.
It felt like a mini-wedding, without the ceremony, flowers, and dress.
The Man's mother had bought some vases and shells to decorate the table. unfortunatly I am a bad blogger and did not think to bring my camera to document. Sorry!
The dinner cruise was lovely. The food was great, we were with friends, I was slipping into the peacful happiness of my wine and finally relaxing and forgetting about the drama that was the day before my wedding when all of a sudden the cruise was over. In reality it was several hours long but the time seemed to fly by!
The Man's father told all the guests we were having an "afterparty" and told everyone where to meet up. So I was forced to go and drink some more.
I went up to my room to get something and the Man followed me up there. He had been drinking pretty heavily that night as well, to get rid of the pre-wedding jitters. He had drank hard liquor all night wich we know is never a good idea for him to do. That coupled with the crapy day we both had, the emotions of getting married errupted and we had a fight. Again.
It was pretty intense and to make matter worse, we couldn't have a conversation without someone blowing up the Man's phone every 5 seconds wondering where he was. which made him madder and we had an all out brawl.
Now, I know this all sounds horrible, but to put it in perspective the Man and I HARDLY ever fight. In fact, i think I can cound on one hand the amount of fights we have had. Ever. So for us to be at each others throats and fighting so much was very unlikely and out of character for us. Emotions get to everyone and everyone handles them differently. Be prepared for the unexpected!
The Man eventually calmed down and we had a discussion and then he left to go back to the house for the night. I had planned on staying at the hotel with my girls, and boy did I need them after that fight.
This certainly was NOT how I was expecting to spend the evening before my wedding.
Were you thrown any emotional curveballs right before your wedding?