After we were introduced as Mr. & Mrs. Roser,

It was great.
After our dance I stole Partner in Crime and MOH Cooper to help me out of the most uncomfortable shoes I've ever worn (they sure were cute though)!
but mostly I needed their help peeing. I had been holding it since Right Before the ceremony began and it was esential that I release it. We decided the best way to accomplish this task-since we all had rooms- was to go to MOH's room (closest) and just get naked. I stepped out of my dress, and took off my slip and ran to the bathroom. I decided my slip was making me way to hot on the dance floor and opted not to put it back on. MOH and Partner in Crime zipped me back into my dress and this was the way I went to the bathroom all night.
This process had taken a little while and by the time I got back to the reception area, there were a bunch of people missing (including the Man) and shortly after that something else was there-something we were not expecting to see at our reception:Oh-you want to know what happened? Well, you are going to have to wait in suspense...just like I had to.
Did you have any unexpected events occur at your wedding/reception?
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