Although I had fixed my hair for years and knew I could do a good enough job on Wedding day, it was an easy decision for me to farm it out. I am not going to want the stress of doing my own hair on wedding day. And as it so happened, a very close friend of The Man's family is a hairdresser and has OFFERED me her hair services for the big day! Of course I graciously accepted.
The debate occurs over make-up. I think I do fairly well with applying my own make up. I have evolved over the years to go along with the times. Although I do a good enough job with my make-up, I couldn't decide if, well, it would be good enough for wedding day. I started looking into prices for bridal make-up and was shocked at some of the prices being charged for this sort of thing. I'm not going to lie, I had a hard time thinking spending 100+ was okay for a makeup application which i'm going to wash away at the end of the night. I decided maybe I should just do my own.
But sometimes I tend to have a heavy hand with the blush and I didn't want to end up looking like this:

Although I think Paris is beautiful, this is not the look I'm going for. I want something more natural looking- like a "blushing bride" with neautral light colors.
I have been practicing at achieving the look I so desire, but not with much luck. I'm also worried about spending tons-o-money on a look that I don't like. I don't want to look made up and I don't want heavy eyeliner. Eyeliner loks great on some people, but I have tried and I mean Tried to use eyeliner on many occasions, and I just don't like the way it looks on me. I look off, and to be honest, it just doesn't do it for me.
These are women who have given me make-up inspiration for wedding day:

Since I couldn't decide on just one look, I made a mosiac using masiac maker at and I have to say, I didn't do too bad for my first creation.
The mosiac maker is really easy to use. You decide on how big you want it to be (how many rows, columns, layout) and you upload pictures to it from your computer or any url address and as long as the sites your uploading from haven't "opted out" of the service, mosiac maker will create the mosiac you so desire!
I could play on this thing for hours.
Right now, I'm leaning towards Elisha Cuthart's breathtaking look (the middle pic) but I'd need a little more color on my cheeks. I think Charlize Theron's look is a little toooo eyeliner-y for me and is a little more dramatic than the rest, but I liked the it- minus the eyeliner. I'm having a hard time deciding between all the pictures which ones I'll be using/trying out. Which look do you think I should go with?
I have found a makeup artist willing to travel to my hotel and she just so happens to be very affordable. I've decided I'm going to have a consultation (free) with her in March and we will see how it goes from there. So as of now, I'm undecided. Anyone else toying with the idea of doing their own make-up?