Get your mind out of the gutter, I'm not talking about THOSE kind of nuts.
I'm talking about the kind of nuts you eat in general, but more specifically this little guy:

I won't bore you with the details of how I found out about it, but when I was 21 I suddenly developed a food allergy to nuts. Not just peanuts, but also almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, pine nuts, tree nuts, etc. Pretty much any kind of nut produced I can not consume.
They say that food allergies, specifically nuts and fish, can develop at any time in life. I just so happened to get lucky enough to figure out what was causing the reaction in time.
Once I found out about what was causing the reaction, I had to change everything. I no longer was able to just buy what I wanted, I have to read EVERY label for anything I buy; I have to ask at restaurants what ingredients are used in the food I'm about to eat. Things you wouldn't think nuts are in, they are. If a company makes anything with nuts in it, most likely they use the same machinery to produce other items, and in using that machinery that previously had nuts on it, they contaminate the product that doesn't have nuts in it, so I can't eat that either.
I avoid Bakery's like the plague--they are a definite no-no for me which I found out the hard way by eating a blueberry muffin because I didn't know about cross-contamination at the time and I wasn't thinking when I bought it.
What does all this have to do with weddings? Well, it definitely has to do with my food at my wedding, or more specifically my wedding cake.
I have always dreamed of having a wedding cake. I like cake, that's all there is to it, and really I can't imagine my wedding without one. I decided to go on mission to find a nut free- contamination free cake for my wedding. I knew it wasn't going to be easy, but I was positive that it could be done.....
So, I met with a Baker a few weekends ago to see what she could produce for me.
The sweet smell of chocolate and delicious baked goods surrounded us when we walked in. I had forgotten how good a bakery can smell. I saw all the "goods" in the display case and wanted to try everything- it smelled so good in there, but instead, I focused on my mission of finding a cake.
The cake baker came out to meet with me and my mama and we sat down with her to look at cakes...... be continued
Have you come across any huge obstacles you've had to overcome during the planning process?
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