Friday, March 20, 2009

The save

Where was I? Oh yes, Track Season in Saratoga Springs and realizing it may possibly be a problem finding hotels for my guests. Not wanting my out of town guests to feel out of place, I wanted to find several hotels that offered blocks for guests, so that they would have a choice of where to stay.

Our obvious first choice would be The Fort William Henry Resort since that is where our wedding and reception are taking place but they wouldn't offer to "block the rooms." They did, however, offer a discount code and "fake hotel block" for our guests. The discount code wasn't very discounted and the room rates were a lot higher than I wanted to ask our guest to pay, plus I wasn't impressed that they wouldn't actually hold the rooms or guarantee rooms for our guests.

Since I wasn't overly impressed with our place, The man, MOH Cooper and I all went up to Lake George one weekend and checked out every hotel up there. We got the same answer at all the hotels: they were more than willing to block rooms for us and all we'd have to do would be to call them back and set it up with the "manager." They even went as far as to show us the rooms and give their rates. After viewing all the rooms and the rates, the Man and I decided on two we really liked.

I called them the next day to set up hotel blocks, like they told me to do, and I was then told that they don't set up blocks and the rates were totally different and they had a 3 night (at least) minimum stay since it was track season.

Track season, track season, track season. That was the answer to them changing their minds. I was annoyed that I had wasted a whole day looking at hotels and was told one thing, when really it wasn't an option. I wish they just hadn't wasted my time.

So I decided rather than chance it or go crazy, we would just use the Fort William Henry fake block because they didn't have a minimum stay since it was for our wedding. The rates were higher than I wanted to find, but I was litterally up a river without a paddle on this one. I decided we needed to send out save the dates really early and include a little note to encourage people to book ahead of time. I was informed back in September, that rooms were booking up for August of 2009 already.

I created my save the dates in Microsoft word and prepared to bust out my Gocco for the first mass produced product since I bought it.

Have you decided to complete a project you had no intention of doing?

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