Monday, March 30, 2009

Thanks, for Nothing.

This past weekend I had my meeting with my make-up artist. If you remember several posts ago, I was quite undecided if I should spend money getting a make-up artist or if I was going to do my own make-up day of.I found an add on Craigslist and promptly replied to it. The stylist sounded like everything I was looking for, and she traveled to your hotel room so you did not have to go anywhere. Plus, she did hair and was willing to do updo's for all the girls. She actually sounded like a dream.

We spent several weeks e-mailing and setting up our meeting date. She was going to do my make-up trial and I was quite excited about it. I had never had my make up done by anyone before. I spent some time collecting pictures of make-up looks I wanted to go for and I sent them to the Stylist.

Friday I hadn't heard from her to confirm, so I took the initiative and contacted her to make sure we were still on for our appointment as I had made it several months ago. She seemed excited and said we were on and she was actually going to contact me to confirm later that evening. She also told me I would need 50% of the total for services we'd be requiring for a deposit. I had taken a poll of my girls and the deposit would have been at least $200, which I was fine putting up, but I hadn't asked the Stylist about one thing.... a contract.

After thinking about how I'd be putting so much money down to hold the date, I asked her if there was a contract, because I wouldn't feel right putting down that much money without one. She said she didn't have one. I promptly voiced my concerns about putting so much money down (virtually to someone I didn't know) and not having any kind of proof of services to be provided or proof of payment. She told me she'd invoice me and it would serve as our contract and proof of payment. I was still a little leary, but figured I was a pretty good judge of characture so I'd be able to tell when I met her if she was legit or not.

Saturday morning came and I got up early and got ready, sans make-up. I saw the Man off as he was going home for the weekend and I waited for the Stylist to arrive.

I waited, and waited and waited.

She never showed up. At first I thought she must be running late and our road is easy to miss. I had given her my phone number and told her to bring it with her in case she couldn't find me. She never called.

After an hour, I knew she wasn't coming and I got pissed off.

After another hour, I knew she wasn't comming and felt relief.

Relief for what could have been a bad mistake. Relief that I didn't put down that much money just to have her not show up on the day of my wedding. Relief that my girls wouldn't be sitting around on the day of the wedding waiting for her to come and make them pretty and have her not show up.

I also felt annoyed. Annoyed that I had spoken to her the night before and she said she would be there in the morning. Annoyed that she couldn't even call and tell me she wasn't comming. Annoyed that I sat around waiting for her all morning on such a georgeous day. I also had a slight thought of perhaps something bad happened. I called her home(the number she gave me) and was going to leave a message to make sure she was okay, but someone answered. They were not very nice and informed me that if there was an emergency, they would have been called and would know.

So there you have it. My make-up trial that didn't happen.

I look at it as a blessing in disguise.

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