Saturday, June 13, 2009

Cross your fingers!

My First dress fitting is today. Here's to hoping my dress still fits me. Cross your fingers for me girls, I'm really nervous that it's not gonna fit nicely. When it came in in Feb. it fit but was tighter than I had expected, I figured it would be perfect if I could lose 10 lbs. And then I quit smoking and gained 10lbs, not exactly the direction I wanted to go in. I've re-lost about 5 of those pounds (I've been working really hard but they just don't seem to budge!) So I'm still 5 lbs up from when I got it in Feb and it was pretty tight then.


  1. It still fits and kind of looks slightly better than It did in Feb. I hadn't lost too much weight, but I had lost a few inches from working our to the Shred, so I think that helped! I'm going to keep shredding because I do think it makes a difference! Thanks.
