Would I, could I, make them myself? For an Insane moment I seriously considered it. I had some swarovski flatback crystals hanging around leftover from my cake topper project when I decided smaller was better. ... hmmm.
I grabbed a pair of flops to try it out and realized:
1. Adorning flip flops with swarovski= super time consuming, time in which I do not have to do 6 pairs.
2. the rubber cemement I thought would work wonderfully, sadly, did not (I bought to craft rubber cement, totally different than the real rubber cement. The craft one sucks and the crystals were wiping off).
3. It was not turning out as pretty as these ( I think larger swarovski's were needed).
4. I was not buying more swarovski's.
Like I said before, these were out, but something else was in. A better idea, a cheaper idea, a way less time consuming idea....
Have you started a project only to flip flop halfway through and go a totally different way in the end?
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