Tuesday, June 9, 2009

No Pictures Allowed

This past weekend we headed up to the Man's hometown to take care of some wedding planning. But wait, isn't my wedding here where we live? Yes.it.is.

A friend of the Man's family, C, has graciously offered to do my hair on the wedding day for me as our wedding gift, and I have happily accepted. We've been putting it off for long enough and decided it was time for my hair trial.

AS you may recall, I was somewhat torn on how to wear my hair. I had wanted an updo, but then had a change of mind (surprising, no?) and decided a half-updo might be the way to go. I found a bunch of pictures that I liked and I couldn't quite decide on which was right for me(thanks to those who voted).

And then it happened. I stumbled across a completely different look and it was LOVE at first sight. I printed it out and brought it with me. Actually, there are two new looks that I love and I brought with me and asked C if we could marry them. She did a FANTASTIC job. I was super impressed. But, she wouldn't let me take a picture of it.

You see, She wants it to be a surprise for the Man, and she knows him too well, and knows he would have snooped and found it. After all, he Did try to come into the hair appointment with me and he gave me the guilt trip about not letting him. But that.wasn't.going.to. happen. I want my whole look on the day of to be a surprise and I think I've done a good job of keeping it so.

So, I'm sorry, but I don't have any pictures of my look now, but I will tell you it's a half-up/half down,very me and it will go perfectly with my dress. I could't ask for anything more.

Having my hair done really made the wedding seem so real. What was your *aha* realization moment that it is actually happening?

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