Then I thought of votive candles, but thought that those can tend to be boring. I did a search for colorful votive holders and found some hot pink ones for an amazing price. I added them to my cart but then I just couldn't push the proceed button. Something was missing, something wasn't right, and I passed up the deal because I couldn't make up my mind.

After all that, I decided I DID want votives on the table, but I wanted them my way. The votive holders you could purchase were not going to be what my votive holders had to look like.
I decided to buy some clear votive holders and dress them up.
I went to AC Moore and bought some iridescent velum and a hot pink stamp pad. I bought two different stamps off of ebay, one with cherry blossoms and one with butterflys.
I stamped the velum with the two different patterns and let it dry for days.
I took one of the votive holders and traced around it with a piece of paper and created a template to use. I traced the template onto a thicker piece of cardstock and used this as my pattern for cutting the votive wrappers out.
I couldn't get great pictures of the finished product because of the flash that I can't seem to turn off of my camera (sorry guys) but this is what they looked like in the end.

Have you decided to dress up something you thought was a little plain?
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